The setting of the basement triggers something, just like a cellar does. It’s small, intimate, awkward and stuffy. But it is also a place of curiosities, a true treasury! The basement provides you with an excellent vibe to experience art and explore identity. Does the restriction the cellar gives you make you overconfident or would you rather shy away from it?
It is possible to rent THE BASEMENT. We approach the exhibits thematically and are inspired by life and’ the end’. The showing artists can be painters, photographers, sculptors, but also performers, poets or even dialecticians. Anyone is welcome as long as they want to engage in the experiment with us and create something unique.
The basement is open on Fridays from 10:00 to 17:00 and is set up to welcome and entertain you. Oftentimes the artist will give a lecture on their work. Peggy also loves to inspire you with her interpretation of the work and its societal relevance. Visitors are asked for a voluntary donation that is shared between the artist and the gallery. “Due to the Coronavirus only a limited number of people are allowed in the gallery and we ask you to call or email us in advance”.
Has the basement awakened your curiosity? We would love to invite you to experiment with us!
Artists over the years
Jacquie Maria Wessels, Melanie Cleary, Jamel Shabazz, Sarah Engelhard, Lucian Wester, Roos Holleman, Kalup Linzy en May Snevoll Von Krogh are some of our successful expo’s. Political and societal relevance is a top priority. The engagement is a common denominator of the works they’ve exhibited and sold.